If you think this site reflects poorly on Sean Reitmeyer or GCExperts, just consider spending over 3 decades creating a process for others to succeed, only to have it stolen by some dumb ass kid, rebranded, repackaged and then he sells it as his own. He's so starving for attention, to be somebody. We hope you won't judge the quality of the GCExperts product by what you are about to read.
These pages are a fraction of the evidence I have, please email [email protected] for more
The author of "Visions to the Top" (which is probably plagiarism) Justin has stolen GCExperts content and started an online "Federal Construction University" using our stolen content as his own. And has also started https://www.federalconstructioncontractssimplified.com/
Negative Review!
Three years later in April of 2021, Justin started a company called “GCMastermind.com” where he claimed through various social media accounts, and a “Clickfunnels” account that he was a “Government Construction Mastermind” and that he had all the tools, templates, and technology to help people get federal contracts.
The only problem?
Nearly everything he said and or taught were words directly out of Doug and my mouth.
And when I say directly, I mean verbatim.
As in he had a recording of the workshop. And all the "Tools, Templates, and Technology"? All 100% our intellectual property that he stole from the membership section of our website and rebranded for his site.
Notice the Teleprompter.com
The concepts that are taught at the GCExperts Workshop are proprietary to Doug and I. We created them.
They are our innovations and intellectual property.
Justin Ledford is not allowed to re-package and re-brand our intellectual property.
I contacted Justin and his attorney, threatened a lawsuit, and even though he had sold three people with his Bullshit last year with "GCMastermind", there was a settlement agreement, and Justin had to turn over nearly $20,000 to me, and agree not to do this again.
He even sent me a video of him deleting the audio recordings of the workshop. Just go to
it is now, ours.
Let's just Say Justin is fucking stupid.
Understand that Justin knew you would be put on the below list when he reached out to do an interview with you.
You might want to ask him why he would still ask you.
Sure, you were in a video published on the internet with Justin.
That's an association. You probably were involved in texts, pm's or some other communication that is probably discoverable. That's an association.
Aaron Schwarz
Adam M. Kaminski https://www.linkedin.com/in/adam-kaminski-60206314
Aaron Katerberg: https://www.linkedin.com/in/aaron-katerberg-26076911
Ralph Locklear: SouthEasternGC.com
Becca Switzer Roof Sales Mastery: https://www.facebook.com/roofsalesmastery/
Becca, if you do this, you will likely be named in the lawsuit.
Kamil Maras: https://www.linkedin.com/in/kamil-maras-3a35b113
Marcus Robins https://www.linkedin.com/in/marcus-robins-cris-a6ab4b15/
Victor Nino https://www.facebook.com/NinoRealEstate/
Bob Hoel https://www.facebook.com/indianaroofer/
Jen Silver Roofing Utah https://www.facebook.com/watch/?v=149971757259865
Cody Booth: https://www.facebook.com/cody.booth.980/
Mike Christensen, Peak One Builders: https://www.facebook.com/peakonebuilders/
David Raven: Arbuckle Construction: https://www.facebook.com/ArbuckleConstructionLLC/
Graham Dessert: linkedin.com/in/graham-dessert-4146824/
In the above video Justin lies about the 50K he sold, he stole and sold 20K of GCExperts content, that was recovered in the above settlement. His “membership” program was from our BidTrakker Report (which he stole). https://gcexperts.com/membership is the GENUINE site. Every word you just heard is a lie. He’s describing my life and my dad’s. And oh by the way, if you haven’t launched, how did you get all these “successful clients”. Real people describing real results of our training, can be found at https://members.gcexperts.com/workshops By the way, claiming what you did under GCMastermind is a breach of the contract.
Hunter, you were lied to.
Jonathan Sherwood:
I don’t even know what to say about this:
Johnathan Sherwood: https://www.facebook.com/jonathan.sherwood.9212
Justin Stephens: https://www.facebook.com/justindcstephens
Kamil Maras: https://www.facebook.com/kamil.maras.7
Matt Nelson: https://www.linkedin.com/in/matt-nelson-ab18a72b/
maurico cardenal : https://www.facebook.com/mauriciocardenal/
jon abernathy https://www.facebook.com/abernathyjoplin/
Jason Gilmore: https://www.facebook.com/Summit-Roofing-Solar-101132735385244/
Ricky Southers: https://www.facebook.com/southersconstruction/
Robby Garcia: RKG https://www.facebook.com/southersconstruction/
Jim Rhubart: https://www.facebook.com/jimrhubartroofing/
Eric Rice: https://www.linkedin.com/in/eric-rice-407b598/
Will Kaprelian: https://www.facebook.com/priorityroofingaustin/
Joe Crane, Crane and Associates https://www.linkedin.com/in/joecrane/
Bradley Gardener https://www.facebook.com/HometownRestorationLLC/
Lee Haight: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G1PPhJKpefg
Rory Cummins Keller Williams Realty https://www.facebook.com/people/Rory-Cummins-Keller-Williams-Realty-SouthPark/100063653469021/
Dylan Brady Real Estate Thrive new homes https://www.facebook.com/BradyRealEstateLLC/
Damon Amato
Dylan Brady
Austin Montgomery
Can you believe it?
Today, a year later he is claiming yet again, to be an expert in federal government construction. This time calling it “Federal Construction University”. And
And to make it worse, when I showed his attorney what he is doing, and that Justin is disseminating our intellectual property that Justin CLEARLY still has recordings on his cell phone, how else can he be creating my exact words into a teleprompter?
The attorney is apparently not stopping Justin, he’s suggesting that I take this site down. Justin breached our agreement, and this website would not exist but for his actions. The repercussions are on him (It has been suggested that I don’t know what the attorney has done or not done). My intellectual property and digital property is still on the internet. And Justin put it there. If the attorney can’t get it off the net, I’m not sure there’s anymore to say about this.
Doug and I are currently preparing a $10 Million dollar intellectual property lawsuit against Justin Ledford.
If you have any evidence as to where on the internet Justin is selling information related to federal construction, 1) Do not invest.
2) Please contact
as we have no idea how many sites Justin is creating revenue from our proprietary intellectual property. To those that have already emailed us, thank you.
The nerve of someone stealing from a small business and re-packaging it as his own.
It is not fair, and we would sincerely appreciate your help.
This website will be updated as often as necessary until every document, story, and other intellectual property has been removed from the internet and all funds created from our content restored to the rightful owners.
Doug and Sean Reitmeyer, the “Real” Government Construction Experts.
Note to attorneys: in Justin and my previous agreement (above) when he stole our content for GCMastermind, we each agreed that any breach of contract would nullify the contract in it’s entirety. Justin breached the contract in several sections. If anyone thinks they are going to hold me to a breached agreement, I assure you, you will not, and I will vigorously defend the statements on this page as Truth. With evidence.
This website is 1st Amendment Protected Activity. All videos, interviews, were gained with public access. We demand control of the entire collection at achor.fm as it relates to federal construction. Clips of Justin’s federal construction university on this site are in accordance with fair use. Even though I think he is a complete lying scumbag and everyone else should too, all opinions expressed on this site are my own. – Sean Reitmeyer
Also, Justin, you should know that we have spoken to Bud Barrier, we have the video that you edited to make it sound like he attended Federal Construction University, when in fact, he attended the GCExperts Workshop. And we have the original video where you interviewed him for GCMastermind (My company). Editing that video which is owned by ME, and suggesting that he learned from you IS intellectual property theft and MOREOVER is a LIE! And I have him recorded saying that HE DID NOT infer in anyway that his success in federal construction was in any way attributable to you (this recording will be posted tomorrow). It was in fact us, the GCExperts. And by the way, he has $600K on the books right now and attributes all the new freedom’s in life to Doug and I. And he want’s your edited video taken down.
Or a review of Federal Construction Contract Simplified
It IS POOR I imagine.